20th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides

August 25-30, 2024

University of Strasbourg


The pictures are available online!

G-ETS2024 participants

The book of abstracts is available for download.

We are glad to announce that for this 20th edition of the G-ETS 2024, the early-career scientist prize was awarded to Marvin Reich (GFZ, Potsdam, Germany).


About the G-ETS

The international symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides (G-ETS) addresses the entire range of tidal phenomena and dynamics of the Earth, both on the theoretical as well as on the observational level. The Earth tide affects many types of high precision instrumentation, be it measurements of position, deformation, potential field or acceleration. The tidal phenomena influence both terrestrial and satellite-borne acquisitions. The tidal potential is a driving force that can be accurately calculated, and the tidal response observable as deformation and variations in Earth orientation and rotation parameters gives information on Earth’s rheology. Instruments sensitive enough to detect the tidal signal, record a large range of periodic and aperiodic phenomena as ocean and atmospheric tidal loading, ocean, atmospheric and hydrospheric non-tidal effects, deformation related to the earthquake cycle and even to gravitational waves, as well as plate tectonics and intraplate deformation. The periods range from seismic normal modes over to the Earth tides and the Chandler Wobble and beyond, ending at the nutation period. Thus, the time scales range from seconds to years and for the spatial scales from local to continental dimensions.

The G-ETS focus on Earth tides and non-tidal loading, such as atmospheric, oceanic and hydrological loading, Earth's variable rotation, geodetic monitoring of reservoirs and volcanoes. Accent is also put on geodetic monitoring of surface deformation and mass redistributions by space techniques (GNSS, GRACE and GRACE-FollowOn, InSAR) as well as to innovative techniques and instruments (for instance cold-atom gravimeters) and their applications to the Earth's dynamics.



ITES                 CNRS-INSU


   Unistra  IdEx France 2030          CNFGG


Related associations:

IAG                            IGETS


Scientific Organizing Committee

Christian Bizouard, SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris, France

Janusz Bogusz, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland

Carla Braitenberg,  University of Trieste, Italy

Daniele Carbone,  INGV, Italy

Sébastien Merlet,  SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris, France

Arttu Raja-Halli, National Land Survey, Finland

Holger Steffen, Lantmäteriet, Sweden

Hartmut Wziontek,  Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Leipzig, Germany


Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Jean-Paul Boy, ITES Strasbourg

Jacques Hinderer, ITES Strasbourg

Séverine Rosat, ITES Strasbourg

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